Signs of Meth Use Effects & Symptoms of Meth Addiction

what does meth do to someone

Makers of illicit meth synthesize the drug by isolating the elements of highly reactive products. Cooking meth produces toxic, flammable fumes and may result in chemical explosions. Houses used as meth labs are often inhospitable afterwards, due to the poisonous chemicals that are released when meth is made. Heat stroke, heart attack, and seizures can occur if someone takes too much of the drug.


She said most services typically employed qualified counsellors, who she would expect to have alcohol or drug expertise. “The service providers and the people already treating people aren’t going to suddenly know how to do good practice — there needs to actually be training.” He says recent allegations of patient mistreatment at a private facility north of Esperance, on WA’s south coast, show the government needs to act on regulating the sector. By Molly BurfordMolly Burford is a mental health advocate and wellness book author with almost 10 years of experience in digital media.

The Signs Of A Long-term Meth Addiction

what does meth do to someone

Many people become addicted to meth after using it only once. If a meth user keeps taking the drug for a prolonged period of time, they will start to show physical signs of long-term meth use. Meth addicts typically have terrible dental problems, a condition commonly called “meth mouth,” as well as sores on their skin from constant scratching. Furthermore, meth addicts are often very thin because they neglect to eat. If someone you know is exhibiting signs of meth abuse, it’s essential that you communicate the importance of getting professional help. Inpatient rehabs, therapy, and support groups can all help individuals struggling with a methamphetamine addiction achieve and maintain sobriety.

What Does Crystal Meth Do to You & Your Body?

It also means that meth is considered a controlled substance with a high potential for misuse. The effects of amphetamine are similar to those of methamphetamine. Meth is able to reach your brain at higher doses than amphetamines can, even at comparable doses. Abuse of the drug is primarily limited to privately manufactured crystal meth.

  1. Due to the psychoactive properties, false confidence, and sense of happiness, people who try methamphetamine quickly develop a desire to continue using.
  2. The crash can be lengthy for chronic abusers, and binging episodes can last for several days or longer.
  3. In the early 1960s, recreational drug users, mainly heroin addicts in California, started injecting Desoxyn, a prescription form of methamphetamine.
  4. Certain foods or drinks can change the pH (acid-base) level of saliva and can alter the test results, potentially causing a false positive or false negative result.

The duration may differ for you depending on how often you use meth. Methamphetamine overdose is a toxic, potentially life threatening reaction to the drug. Your risk of overdose increases if you take a large dose of meth or mix methamphetamine with other drugs. It may take some time for your brain to restore its dopamine circuits when you stop using meth. So, the cognitive abilities that don’t rely much on dopamine will likely recover first.

For example, you may have problems with coordination or learning. Your chances of getting Parkinson’s disease (a movement disorder) may go up. Some people who use meth see or hear things that aren’t there. This can cause you to think scary things that aren’t true.

But sometimes letting them know you’re willing to listen without judgment can help them feel safe enough to talk. Choose a time when it’s just the two of you and they seem like they’re in a decent mood. Try to find a place where people won’t come in unexpectedly. Talking to your loved one lets them know you want to support them through whatever’s causing these symptoms.

Once the high of meth wears off, feelings of depression take over. People start using meth again to make these negative emotions go away. It is a stronger form of amphetamine and a drug sometimes used legally to treat health issues such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. Some people go on binges, using the drug continuously for several hours or days at a time.

Other reasons people abuse drugs include fitting in with peers and friends, escaping an unpleasant situation, relief from boredom, to rebel from authority, and to experiment. While methamphetamine use is often used to “solve” a problem, the drug abuse and consequences become the problem. 7 topics covered in group therapy for substance abuse If you need answers about treatment for meth abuse, please contact a dedicated recovery provider today. Another sign that someone is using meth is the crash phase. During this period, the body is deprived of the dopamine that meth was previously supplying and causes extreme exhaustion.

They will suffer withdrawal if they no longer have access to the drug or if taking more meth can’t deliver the same euphoria. Regardless of a person’s reason for using crystal meth or the length of time they have been using it, treatment is possible. People should contact a doctor or specialist who deals with substance use disorders for support.

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